Ground Rules

Where to start with skincare?

Skin is as unique as we are - but there exists basic physiology that is common to everyone with skin. 

Gentle skincare is the key to success, and it is eaasy to get started! Take care of your skin like you would take care of any possession you don't want scratched - a car, laptop or favorite outfit - so that it may last a long time. Modern medicine has great treatments for skin, but ultimately we have to keep the same skin for our entire life, so let's take measures to take care of it.

If you master these basics, you are already ahead of the curve and in a good position to have healthy skin. If you would like a place to start, check out some of my go-to products - many are organized based on your skin type and individual needs. Make an appointment or visit your local skin expert for more information about your specific skin concerns or tips to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy for life!